Article I          Name and Location of Offices

The name of this organization shall be Washington Association for Behavior Analysis (WABA). It is a nonprofit mutual benefit corporation with a principal office in King County, Washington.  The Executive Committee is granted full power and authority to change the principal office from one location to another.

Article II        Purposes

This organization is a nonprofit mutual benefit corporation organized under the Nonprofit Mutual Benefit Corporation Law. The purpose of this organization is to engage in any lawful act or activity, other than credit union business, for which an organization may be organized under such law. The specific purposes of this organization are: to advance the profession and practice of behavior analysis by advocating for behavior analysis services and the profession, promoting quality assurance in behavior analysis service provision and training, providing resources and information related to behavior analysis, and promoting and providing professional development activities for behavior analysts, advocating for and promoting basic research in the field, and promoting the conceptual components of the science of behavior analysis in Washington State.  WABA maintains affiliation with the Association for Behavior Analysis International (ABAI).


Article III       Mission

The mission of WABA is to build a cohesive group of individuals dedicated to promoting the ethical research, education, and practice of behavior analysis in Washington state.


Article IV       Membership

Section 1. Members.

The members of this organization shall be the persons who have met the criteria set forth in these Bylaws for membership and who have been approved for such membership by the Executive Committee. Membership in this organization shall not vest in any member any proprietary rights in this organization but shall entitle the member to vote for the election of individuals to the Executive Committee. Membership shall not be assignable by any member.

Section 2. Memberships.

(a) Qualifications and Classifications: Membership in this organization is open to all persons interested in or actively engaged in teaching, research, or application of the principles of behavior analysis, and shall be in one of six classes:

(1) Doctorate Full – Any individual who has obtained a doctoral degree in any field and who works full or part time in behavior analysis. The annual membership cost for a Doctorate Full Member is to be re-evaluated on an annual basis by the executive committee to determine if rates need to be adjusted.  The annual membership rate at the Doctoral level is typically the highest among each of the categories.  Each Full Member’s year of membership begins on the date of their first dues payment and will renew annually thereafter.  Doctorate Full Members are responsible for adhering to the organization’s mission statement and purpose and participating in the highest level of meetings and committee work as their schedules allow.  Doctorate Full Members are afforded the privilege of participating in the governance of WABA through the election of the Executive Committee and by voting on business matters.

(2) Master Full – Any individual who has obtained a master’s degree in any field and who works full or part time in behavior analysis.  The annual membership cost for a Master Full Member is to be re-evaluated on an annual basis by the executive committee to determine if rates need to be adjusted.  Each Full Member’s year of membership begins on the date of their first dues payment and will renew annually thereafter.  Master Full Members are responsible for adhering to the organization’s mission statement and purpose and participating in the highest level of meetings and committee work as their schedules allow.  Master Full Members are afforded the privilege of participating in the governance of WABA through the election of the Executive Committee and by voting on business matters.

(3) Bachelor Full – Any individual who has obtained a bachelor’s degree in any field and who works full or part time in behavior analysis.  The annual membership cost for a Doctorate Full Member is to be re-evaluated on an annual basis by the executive committee to determine if rates need to be adjusted.  Each Full Member’s year of membership begins on the date of their first dues payment and will renew annually thereafter.  Bachelor Full Members are responsible for adhering to the organization’s mission statement and purpose and participating in the highest level of meetings and committee work as their schedules allow.  Bachelor Full Members are afforded the privilege of participating in the governance of WABA through the election of the Executive Committee and by voting on business matters.

(4) Affiliate - Any individual with an interest in behavior analysis who does not qualify for Full or Student Membership. The annual membership cost for an Affiliate Member is to be re-evaluated on an annual basis by the executive committee to determine if rates need to be adjusted.  Each Affiliate Member’s year of membership begins on the date of their first dues payment and will renew annually thereafter.  Affiliate Members are responsible for adhering to the organization’s mission statement and purpose and participating in the highest level of meetings and committee work as their schedules allow.  Affiliate Members do not have voting privileges, but do benefit from access to information afforded to Full Members.

(5) Student - Any individual who is currently enrolled in a college level course of study related to the field of behavior analysis.   The annual membership cost for a Student Member is to be re-evaluated on an annual basis by the executive committee to determine if rates need to be adjusted.  Each Student Member’s year of membership begins on the date of their first dues payment and will renew annually thereafter until completion of their degree at which time they may elect to apply for another level of membership.  Student Members are responsible for adhering to the organization’s mission statement and purpose and participating in the highest level of meetings and committee work as their schedules allow.  Student Members do not have voting privileges, but do benefit from access to information afforded to Full Members.

(6) Sustaining - Any individual who wishes to support the organization with a voluntary contribution.  Sustaining members are considered non-voting members of WABA. The annual membership cost for a Sustaining Member is a minimum $55.   Each Sustaining Member’s year of membership begins on the date of their first dues payment and can renew annually thereafter upon request.  Sustaining Members are responsible for adhering to the organization’s mission statement and purpose and participating in the highest level of meetings and committee work as their schedules allow.  Sustaining Members do not have voting privileges.

 (7) Lifetime - Any individual recognized by the Executive Committee for sustained contributions to WABA and the field of behavior analysis.  Lifetime members shall receive free membership in the organization in perpetuity. Lifetime members are afforded the privilege of participating in the governance of WABA through the election of the Executive Committee and by voting on business matters.

 (b) Application for Membership: Application for membership shall be in accordance with procedures established by the Executive Committee.

(c) Dues: Dues shall be established by the Executive Committee, and shall be due with the Application for Membership.  Renewal of Membership and Dues are due on each Member’s anniversary date; the Secretary of the Organization manages Membership and Dues reminders.

(d) Termination of Membership:

(1) Members failing to pay dues to this organization for sixty (60) days from their anniversary date shall

automatically forfeit their membership in this organization as of the sixty-first (61st) day. Individuals who have forfeited membership because of non-payment of dues may be reinstated in accord with policies established by the Executive Committee.

(2) The Executive Committee may, by two-thirds (2/3) vote of the entire Executive Committee, suspend or expel any member of this organization for violation of these Bylaws, and/or any rules, procedures and policies established by this organization. Before such action is taken by the Executive Committee, written notice shall be sent to the member not less than thirty (30) days prior to the meeting of the Executive Committee at which the matter is to be considered. Said member shall be entitled to a hearing before the Executive Committee before any decision is rendered.


Article V        Executive Committee

Section 1. Composition.

There shall be an Executive Committee consisting of the President, President-Elect, Past President, Secretary, Past Secretary, Treasurer, and Past Treasurer.

Section 2.  Duties.

(a) President -  The President shall preside at all meetings of WABA and the Executive Committee. The President shall have all duties usually vested in the offices of President and shall be ex‑officio a member of all standing Committees, including the Executive Committee.

(1)  In the absence or disability of the President, the President-Elect shall perform all the duties of the President and shall, when so acting, have all of the powers of, and be subject to all of the restrictions upon the President. The President-Elect shall have such other duties as may be prescribed by the President, Executive Committee, or the Membership.

(2) The Past President shall provide expert advice on subjects under discussion.  The Past President may

 offer assistance to any Executive Committee member, Committee Chair, or Member with any task required for furthering the mission statement and purpose of the organization.

(b)  Secretary - The Secretary shall keep the minutes of all meetings of WABA and the Executive Committee, shall have all the duties usually vested in the office of Secretary, shall keep such other records, and shall have such other duties as may be described by the President, Executive Committee or the Membership. The Secretary shall serve as the chair of the Membership Committee (when created) and shall be responsible for the administrative processing of Membership applications, status, and lists.  The Secretary shall file a one page annual report to the ABA Executive Council by April 15 each year.

(1)  Past Secretary - The Past Secretary shall provide expert advice to the Secretary on any task required for furthering the mission statement and purpose of the organization.  The Past Secretary will provide specific feedback to the Secretary about membership details such as membership renewals and certificates and meeting agendas and minutes.

(c)  Treasurer - The Treasurer shall keep and maintain all of the financial resources of WABA and all financial records of the transactions of WABA. The Treasurer shall report the financial condition of WABA at the annual meeting and as often as the Membership may require and shall have such other power and perform such other duties as may be prescribed by the President, Executive Committee or the Membership. The Treasurer shall be responsible for the financial processing of membership applications. The Treasurer is a non-voting member of the Executive Committee.

(1)  Past Treasurer - The Past Treasurer shall provide expert advice to the Treasurer on any task required for furthering the mission statement and purpose of the organization.  The Past Treasurer will provide specific feedback to the Treasurer about all financial accounts and obligations.  The Past Treasurer is a non-voting member of the Executive Committee.

Section 3.  Removal and Replacement.

Any member of the Executive Committee may be removed with cause from the Executive Committee if such removal is approved by a majority of the Committee members then in office and the cause of such removal is related to that individual’s role in the chapter.  In addition, if a Committee member fails to attend at least three (3) Committee meetings in any twelve (12) month period, the Committee shall vote on whether to remove said Committee member from office.  That committee member must be provided the opportunity to explain his/her absence before removal.  This explanation may be in provided in writing or in person at the Executive Committee meeting following the 3rd absence.  A tie-vote shall be construed as affirmation of removal.  An individual who is removed from the Committee shall not be eligible to serve as a Committee member of this organization for a period of no less than 5 years.  Positions vacated for any reason shall be replaced by a majority vote of the remaining members, such successors to serve until elections occur at the annual meeting of the chapter. 


Article VI       Nominations and Elections.

Section 1.  Nominations

Beginning March, 2015, the President or his/her designee shall mail (or email) to all full members each year a nomination ballot for president-elect and for the number of at-large members of the Executive Committee necessary to complete the voting membership of the Executive Committee. For each office that appears on the nominating ballot, each full member may propose up to three names and may nominate the same person for more than one office. The President and/or person designated by the President shall count the ballots, shall ask those nominees receiving the largest number of ballots for each office if they are willing to stand for election, and shall proceed through the list in the order of ballot count until at least two candidates for each office have been obtained. No one person may hold two offices at the same time, so if a voting member receives enough nominations for two offices, the President shall request that the individual choose the office for which he or she wishes to be a candidate. After the list of candidates has been determined, the President or his/her designee shall send to all full members whose membership dues are paid a ballot for all matters to be voted upon, together with a statement on which the names of the candidates for each office are listed in alphabetical order with brief biographical descriptions.

Section 2.  Elections.

(a)   The election of the Executive Committee shall be accomplished by written and/or electronic ballot with the ballot of every member being solicited. All solicitations of ballots shall indicate the time, date and place where the ballot must be returned to be counted. The Executive Committee candidates who receive the highest number of affirmative votes up to the number of Executive Committee positions to be filled shall be elected.

(b)   Only full and lifetime members can vote.  All full and lifetime members will be entitled to one vote per office currently open to election.  Proxy voting is not permitted.

Section 3.  Terms.

All Executive Committee members shall serve terms of two years plus an additional year as “past”. The terms of the Secretary and Treasurer shall not run simultaneously. All Executive Committee members shall assume office on January 1.  Officers shall hold office until their elected successors assume office in their stead.  Officers can succeed themselves for one additional term; at the conclusion of their second consecutive term they must sit out of the office for at least one new term before running for re-election.  Officers cannot hold more than one office concurrently.  At the end of their first or second term an officer is eligible for nomination for another Executive Committee office.

Section 4.  Vacancies

(a)  Vacancies on the Executive Committee may be filled by approval of the Executive Committee or, if the number of Committee members then in office is less than a quorum, by:

(1)  The unanimous written consent of the Executive Committee members then in office,

(2)  The affirmative vote of a majority of the Executive Committee members then in office at a meeting held pursuant to notice and waivers of notice, or

(3)  A sole remaining Executive Committee member.

(b)  Each Executive Committee member so elected shall hold office until the expiration of the term of office of the replaced director and until a successor has been elected and qualified. A vacancy or vacancies on the Executive Committee shall be deemed to exist in case of the death, resignation or removal of any Executive Committee member, or if the authorized number of Executive Committee members is increased.

(c)  The Executive Committee may declare vacant the office of a Committee member who has been declared of unsound mind by a final order of any court, or convicted of a felony, or been found by a final order or judgment of any court to have breached any duty under Washington Nonprofit Mutual Benefit Corporation Law. That individual shall not be eligible to serve as an executive Committee member or on a Committee of this organization at any point in the future.

(d)  No reduction of the authorized number of voting Committee members shall have the effect of removing any director prior to the expiration of the Committee member's term of office.


Article VII     Meetings.

Section 1.  Annual Business Meeting.

There shall be at least one annual business meeting of the chapter.  The annual meeting of the members shall be held during the annual ABAI convention of each calendar year and shall be called by the Executive Committee and noticed in accordance with the provisions of these Bylaws. The annual meeting shall include, but not be limited to, presenting reports by the Executive Committee and its members.  Notice of the annual business meeting of the chapter shall be given to all members in good standing not less than three months prior to the scheduled date.

Section 2.  Special Meetings.

Special meetings of the members may be called at any time by order of the President of this organization or the Executive Committee.

Section 3.  Executive Committee Meetings

The Executive Committee shall meet at least once annually at a time and location deemed appropriate by the president. A meeting of the Executive Committee may also be called by action of three members of the Committee who shall notify the remaining members at least two weeks in advance of the proposed meeting.

Section 4.  Executive Committee Meetings Quorum

For purposes of transacting the business of the chapter, a quorum shall consist of three members of the Executive Committee.

Section 5.  WABA Business Meetings.

Written notice of meetings of members shall be given via email to each member, at his or her last known email address.  Notice of said meeting will be sent at least ten (10) days before the time fixed for holding said meeting. Notice will include an agenda consisting of, but not limited to, items requiring a membership vote.

Section 6.  WABA Business Meetings Quorum and Decision Making.

Ten percent (10%) of the voting members shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business at any meeting of members. If, however, the attendance at any meeting is less than one-third (1/3) of the voting members, those members in attendance may vote only on matters as to which proper notice of their general nature was given pursuant to these Bylaws. Decisions made at business, committee, and subcommittee meetings shall be made by a plurality of votes cast.

Section 7. Place of Meetings.

Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in these Bylaws, any meeting of the members of this organization may be held at any place within or without the State of Washington that has been designated therefore by the Executive Committee.

Section 8. Teleconferencing.  When technologically feasible, all efforts should be made to allow for teleconferencing at any WABA related business, committee, or sub-committee meetings to facilitate meeting participation.


Article VIII    Committees.

The Committees of the chapter shall consist of such standing Committees as may be provided by these Bylaws and such special Committees as may be established by vote of the executive Committee, and may include but are not limited to: Legislative, Quality Assurance/Peer Review, Provider and Professional Relations, Membership, Technology, and Resource.

Section 1. Committee Length of Terms.  Participation in committees is at will and there is no required minimum or maximum length of term for members.


Article IX. Parliamentary Authority.

The parliamentary authority for the rules of conduct of all meetings and the settlement of all disputes or questions of procedure shall be Robert's Rules of Order, http://www.robertsrules.org/.


Article X. Amendments.

These Bylaws may be amended by the Executive Committee but adopted only after a two thirds supporting vote of the voting membership.